Last update: November 9, 2005.
The following information on .eu are all taken from EURid - see

Please also refer to the "Sunrise Rules"
for .eu Registration Policy and Terms and Conditions for Domain Name Applications
made during the Phased Registration Period and the page on the official EURid validation process by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Date: July 29, 2005.
Registration of .eu domain names

Following is the targeted launch dates for .EU. The timetable below
gives an indication of the tasks to be undertaken and target dates for each.
Time table for .EU Launch |
Time frame |
Action |
Who can apply...

Sunrise applicants must comply with the geographical requirements applicable to all .eu
domain name holders, as set out in EU Regulation 733/2002
(or download original file from EURid). Only the following may apply for a .eu domain name:
- undertakings having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;
- organisations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law;
- natural persons resident within the European Community.
During the sunrise period, only public bodies and those with recognised rights to a name (such as trademark holders) may register.
The sunrise period consist of 2 phases with each lasting for 2 months.
- Phase 1 - Domain names must correspond with...
- The full name of a public body;
- The acronym by which a public body is commonly know;
- If applicable, the territory which is governed by a public body;
- Registered national trademarks and registered community (EU) trademarks.
For example,
- If your company or organization is registered in one of the 25 EU Member States, and you have
an officially Registered Trade Mark in one or more of the EU Member States, you can apply
for a .eu TLD during the first Sunrise period.
- If your company or organization is NOT registered in one of the 25 EU Member States, but you
have an officially Registered Trade Mark in one or more of the EU Member States, you can
still apply for a .eu TLD during the first Sunrise period. But you will need to establish
a local EU company address.
- You are unsure of the status of your trademark registration, or do not have a Trademark Registered
in any of the EU Member States. The Registry will shortly announce a number of new services
to assist clients to prepare for Sunrise Phase 1. Revisit this page for further details.
Or, please click here to drop us an email.
- Phase 2 - Domain names that correspond with...
- the names listed in phase 1;
- that are protected under the national law of the member state where they are held such as
- company names
- business identifiers
- distinctive titles of protected literary and artistic work
- unregistered trademarks
- trade names
A company might have a right to a name from a number of sources (for example, a company may be
registered by that name in the national register and it may also have a registered trademark
of the same name). When applying for a .eu domain name, only one right can be claimed
in each application.
If more than one valid application for the same name, applications will be assessed on a
first-come-first-served basis as required by the European Commission public policy rules
for .eu. First-come-first-served will be determined by the time/date at which the application
is received into our database after it opens for the sunrise period
When a correctly completed sunrise application is received, an email will be sent to the applicant
and the registrar confirming that the application has been received. It will also advise
where the application sits in the queue for that name (if there is more than one applicant)
required documentation to prove the right and a form which must be completed signed and
returned with the proof within 40 days.
All sunrise applicants will be required to accept the special sunrise terms and conditions that
will be made available as soon as possible.
The validation process

Sunrise applications will be dealt with on a first come first served basis.
If the first sunrise applicant for a name (or indeed the only applicant for that name) sends
acceptable proof of their right to the name within the 40 days provided, the Validation Agent
will assess the documentation provided by that applicant. If the documentation proves the
right claimed, the application will be approved and that name will be registered to that
applicant. It will become usable only after a 40-day period to allow for any errors or appeals.
Any later applicants for the same name will be notified and part of their application fee
credited to their registrars.
If the first applicant for a name fails to provide acceptable documentation within the 40 days
allocated, the application will be rejected and the Validation Agent will assess the
documentation from the applicant whose application for the name was received second and
so on until a valid application is found and the name is registered. If none of the
applicants for a name send adequate proof of their right to the name within the 40 days
specified the name will be unblocked and available for general registration on a
first-come-first-served basis.
How to track my sunrise application...

During the sunrise period a special .eu sunrise whois will be available. By typing in a domain name
it will be possible to see:
- how many applications there have been for that name and in which order they were received into the registration system;
- the name and address of the applicant;
- the deadline for each applicant to send documentation to the Validation Agent;
- the date on which documentation was received;
- the status of the application (pending, accepted, rejected etc)
More information

.EU Domain Pre-Registration SCAM Alert
European Commision Faq about the .EU Top Level Domain
.eu Pre-registration Scams / Pre-register .eu domain names
The EURid official website
